
Comprehensive Revenue Orchestration Framework

Vesta provides fraud risk decision support, payment orchestration and payment processing services for telecommunication providers globally.

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Payment Processing

Simplify management of payment processing domestically and internationally through Vesta’s network, which includes the world’s leading global acquirers.

  • Process payments in more than 46 countries
  • Manage 100+ payment methods, including card, digital wallet, local payment methods, and APMs

Fraud Risk Decisioning

Vesta combines data and advanced machine learning algorithms to optimize fraud detection and approvals in real-time continually.

  • Empower risk leaders to partner with revenue and operations to continuously balance risk vs. revenue and margin impacts of each decision.
  • Take into account historical customer transaction history & patterns across Vesta`s network for more intelligent decisions.
  • Choose to incorporate Vesta risk scores into your models, or to use guaranteed risk decisions by Vesta

Payment Orchestration

Provide a modern checkout experience for consumers across all brands and lines of business to maximize revenue. Get a single view of the customer for predictive insights.

  • Consistent means of payments, features, and channels across the business
  • Intelligent routing of transactions for cost and availability

Intelligent Platform

Vesta has the fasted fraud engine in the world, delivering robust AI auto-tuned and machine learning informed decisions in under 10 milliseconds.

  • $50B of transactions processed in the Telco industry alone

Vesta is the global leader in Telco fraud prevention and payments.


Product overview

